OCD QUIZ I've accumulated a significant number of items, and now they get in the way. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I tend to inspect things more frequently than required. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I become upset when items are not arranged in an orderly manner. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I experience an urge to count while engaged in various activities. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I struggle to touch an object when I am aware that it has been handled by strangers or specific individuals. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I struggle to manage and control my own thoughts. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I accumulate items that serve no practical purpose for me. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I habitually check doors, windows, drawers, etc. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I become distressed when others alter the arrangement of things as I have organized them. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I feel I have to repeat specific numbers. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I occasionally feel the need to wash or clean myself solely because I perceive a sense of contamination. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I am distressed by unwelcome thoughts that enter my mind involuntarily. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I refrain from discarding items due to the fear that I might require them in the future. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I habitually double-check gas and water taps as well as light switches after turning them off. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I have a preference for things to be arranged in a specific manner. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I hold the belief that certain numbers are considered good, while others are perceived as bad. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I engage in handwashing more frequently and for an extended duration than required. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None I frequently get nasty thoughts and have difficulty in getting rid of them. Not at all A little Moderately A lot Extremely None Share your email to see the results 1 out of 19 Time's up